Bench-top Test Jigs

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Robust, easily customised, standalone kits for testing a variety of PCBs

Typical examples of their usage are:

  • Repair and calibration stations
  • Low to medium volume testing of PCBs - such as power supplies and control boards
  • Functional testing and alignment of modules & sub-assemblies
  • Probing of both sides of the PCB is possible

A series of test fixtures designed to test PCBs containing low density circuitry such as power supplies and control boards.

It has a hinged polycarbonate top plate which, when latched closed and using the supplied push fingers, puts a downward force onto the PCB and the test probes.

Each kit is supplied with a useful quantity of push fingers. If you need more, then please see PF1 in the related products section for each part number.

View MF Series - for testing low density, conventional PCBs Range

A series of test jigs designed to test low to medium volume PCBs with both conventional and surface mount circuitry.

It's cam operation ensures a true linear operation of the top plate.

View CMF Series - for testing conventional and surface mount PCBs Range

A series of test fixtures designed to test low to medium volume PCBs with both conventional and surface mount circuitry.

The series has a cam operated gate fitted onto the hinged lid. When the lid is latched closed, the handle will push gate down, pressing the PCB into position on the probe field.

View CGF Series - for testing conventional and surface mount PCBs Range